Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Feeling Rejected

Every time you get a rejection, its hard to stay motivated and positive. Here are some famous rejection stories to see you through, courtesy of Michael Larsen and his book, How to Get A literary Agent

  • Mary Higgins Clark got forty rejection slips before making her first sale
  • John Grisham received 15 rejections for his first novel
  • Dr. Seuss was rejected 24 times before selling his first book
  • Jack London received over 600 rejection slips --now he's required reading at most public schools
  • John Creasy received 774 rejections--he now has over 560 books in print under 13 different aliases
  • "the New Yorker rejected a short story by Saul Bellow after he received the Nobel Prize for Literature"

Don't forget that other famous books such as Catch-22, A Wrinkle in Time, Carrie, and The Tale of Peter Rabbit all received numerous rejections. So keep plugging along!

1 comment:

  1. Oh good! I'm way past the first three and heading for Jack London and John Creasy.
