Friday, February 1, 2013

The Romance of All Things Writing

February is at last upon us. This is the month for romance and love--thank you very much Hallmark! Interestingly, I've recieved several requests from guest bloggers who all have romance books in varying subgenres being released this month or in early March. Since Valentine's Day is near, I've decided to feature several of these bloggers at All Things Writing on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Romance is one of the best selling genres. Let's face it. It's something that never goes out of style! But have you ever tried to write one? Ever tried to create a sex scene that doesn't sound cliched or over the top with heaving bosoms? Oh yes, there is a trick to writing romance as our upcoming bloggers will demonstrate.

So be sure to check out the reviews and blog pieces being posted all this month about writing in the romance genre!


  1. Does a Romance novel have to be explicit? Every novel I write has romance in it but the Romance isn't always the central piece.

  2. Great question, John! It doesn't have to be explicit in terms of sex--there are dozens of subgenres that cover all areas of that. However, in order for it to be considered a romance, the relationship is what drives the story. It's not a subplot. Every bit of action that happens will in some way further the romance.
