I just love today's author, Jessi Gage. I have a review going up tomorrow of her book Wishing for a Highlander. Witty, fast paced, and full of romance, Wishing for a Highlander is a great read! Enjoy Ms. Gage's blog post on time travel. I know I did!---Mary Ann
you for having me Mary Ann! I'm so excited to guest blog for All Things Writing
today. To celebrate the release of my very first novel, I’m talking about one of
my favorite topics today, time-travel.
romance is a much loved genre with diehard fans. I am one of those fans, and it
all started with Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. One of the things I love
the most about the genre is the way rigid perspectives on women's roles can be
challenged, and that it's not just the Neanderthal men we send our women
hurtling through time to fall in love with who are challenged. The women are
often challenged too, challenged to embrace a supportive role when they were
raised to be the star of their own lives, challenged to choose between love and
the goals they once had for themselves, challenged to envision new goals that
center on the one person they realize they can never live without.
before you can have the fabulous epiphany moment where the hero and heroine
make astronomical sacrifices in order to be together, there are always some
challenges to overcome. Here are a few of my favorites:
Poor Cell Phone Reception
Bangs’ Pleasure Master is one of my
all-time favorite time-travel romances. One of the quirkiest, funniest parts of
the story was that the time-traveling heroine’s cell phone still worked! She
could call her hair-dresser best friend and discuss her strange predicament.
Even the historical Highland hottie gets in on the phone action, withstanding a
verbal lashing from said best friend. It’s a hoot and a half.
when you time travel, bring your cell phone if you want, but chances are, it
won’t work. Just so you know.
Language Barriers
doona understand ye, lass?”
your weesht!”
is it ye be blathering about, now?”
of our fascination with the time-travel genre is that we love men with accents.
One nice thing about fiction is we can often get around the likelihood that our
hero and heroine would have no idea whatsoever what the other is saying. We can
fudge the dialect (because, honestly, who’s going to know since no one reading
our books was alive then and probably only a few will be linguistic purists).
We can insert a magical device to aid with translating. We can make the hero or
the heroine a language genius who can learn a new language by the immersion
method in a handful of days. We could even do what Maggie Shayne does in Miranda’s Viking, and make the modern-day
heroine an expert in the hero’s time-period, complete with a working knowledge
of his dead language...and so on. (By the way, Maggie Shayne is one of the few
authors I know about who have brought an ancient hero into the modern-day
world. The reason you don’t see that much is a topic all its own, worthy of a
whole separate blog post.)
make sure to keep your translation dictionary or your magic translation stone
on you whenever you anticipate time travel might occur.
Birth Control
puts a damper on a hot and heavy interlude in the laird’s private chambers like
a sexually responsible heroine asking the question, “So, uh, do you have a box
of condoms in that antique armoire?”
do we get around our modern sensibilities when it comes to sex with historical
heroes? Really, this topic covers double the ground, because not only are we
concerned with the possibility of unwanted pregnancies, but our modern-day
heroines (and the heroes that want to boink them) should be concerned about
STDs as well. For the purpose of today’s discussion, I’m going to focus solely
on birth control, because I have yet to meet a romance hero or heroine with an
STD. Not that it couldn’t happen, just, it’s not the norm.
some may find it forgivable in fiction, especially escapist fiction, for birth
control not to come up at all, there are plenty of authors who have dealt with
the issue in creative ways that don’t throw the reader out of the story. In Outlander, Claire has reproductive
issues that make it unlikely for her to get pregnant. Outlander also touches on some herbal anti-contraceptives. I found
those sections fascinating and educational as well as entertaining.
Wishing for a Highlander, my heroine
Melanie is conveniently (though not so conveniently for her) already pregnant.
That’s right, I send a single and pregnant woman hurtling through time. And I’m
not the only one. Diana Gabaldon does it too, though I won’t put any spoilers
in and reveal who or when in the series.
favorite method of dealing (or not dealing) with birth control is having the
hero and heroine be married before they do the wild thing the first time.
That’s in no way meant to imply that pregnancy outside of marriage is always
unwanted. But in the time-travel romances I’ve read where marriage precedes
wild-monkey, screaming-awesome sex, there is often an attitude of well, if it happens, it happens, and it’s
okay because we’re totally in love.
definitely, bring a several-month supply of your contraceptive of choice
whenever you time-travel unless you’re okay with creating a love child with
your historical hottie.
one item would you absolutely refuse to time-travel without? My answer: My
strawberry flavored Chap Stick
again for having me, Mary Ann (and the rest of All Things Writing’s
contributors)! It's always great to connect with a fellow Lyrical author.
celebrating my new release with Lyrical
Wishing for a Highlander, and would
appreciate “likes” and “tags” on Amazon and
votes on Goodreads’ list of Best
Highland/Scotland Romance Novels for anyone who has time for a click or
two. As of the writing of this post, Wishing
for a Highlander is #35 on the list. (Note: to vote on Goodreads, you have
to have an account and have the book you vote on be marked “want to read” or
“have read”)

While examining
Andrew Carnegie’s lucky rosewood box, single-and-pregnant museum worker Melanie
makes a tongue in cheek wish on the artifact--for a Highland warrior to help
her forget about her cheating ex. Suddenly transported to the middle of a clan
skirmish in sixteenth-century Scotland, she realizes she should have been a tad
more specific.
Darcy, laird in
waiting, should be the most eligible bachelor in Ackergill, but a cruel prank
played on him in his teenage years has led him to believe he is too large under
his kilt to ever join with a woman. He has committed himself to a life of
bachelorhood, running his deceased father's windmills and keeping up the family
manor house...alone.
Darcy's uncle,
Laird Steafan welcomes the strangely dressed woman into his clan, immediately
marrying her to Darcy in hopes of an heir. But when Steafan learns of her magic
box and brands her a witch, Darcy must do what any good husband would--protect
his wife, even if it means forsaking his clan.
pregnant museum worker, a sixteenth-century Scot, and a meddlesome wishing box.
Size might have its advantages when it came to fighting, but those
few boons fell far short of making up for the problems it caused. Being the
biggest and the strongest had gotten him into far more trouble than it had
gotten him out of. Swallowing his regret for how careless he’d been with her,
he sought to determine whom she belonged to, whom, saints forbid, he might owe.
“Whose wife are ye, then? Not a Gunn’s or I wouldna have had to
rescue you from one.”
“I’m not married,” the lass said. “And thank you for the rescuing,
by the way. I can’t believe I dropped the dirk. Stupid.” She shook her head.
His heart warmed at her thanks. He didn’t hear many kind words
from the lasses and would take what he could get, even from a dishonored woman
who had caught a bairn out wedlock. Oddly, he didn’t think poorly of her.
Whether it was her worried brow, her guileless, soft mouth, or her vulnerable
size, he had not the heart to condemn her.
He didn’t even mind so much that she found him distasteful for his
size, although talking with her now, she didn’t seem overly upset to be in his
arms. He endeavored to keep her talking, keep her distracted from her disgust.
“Ye never answered my first question,” he said. “Who are you? And
where are ye from if ye’re no’ English?”
“Ugh. I don’t know. Is there an answer that won’t get me burned at
the stake or locked up in a ward for the hopelessly insane?”
Like most things out of her mouth, that had been a peculiar
answer. “Ye could try the truth,” he offered, slowing his pace since he heard
Archie’s voice not far off.
“No,” she said flatly. “I couldn’t. At least not the whole truth.
How about we just go with my name, Melanie, and with the honest fact that I’m a
long way from home and I have no idea how to get back.” Her green eyes pierced
his. “I’m afraid you might be stuck with me, Darcy Keith.”
lives with her husband and children in the Seattle area. In addition to writing
paranormal romance, she’s a wife, a mom, an audiologist, a church-goer, a Ford
driver, a PC user, and a coffee snob. Her guiding tenet in her writing is that
good triumphs over evil, but not before evil gives good one heck of a run for
its money. The last time she imagined a world without romance novels, her
husband found her crouched in the corner, rocking.
more information about Wishing for a
Highlander or Jessi’s other works, swing by her blog or website.