Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Evernote: Note Taking Made Easy!

Okay, I don’t typically endorse things unless I’ve tried them and they have some how made my hectic life easier. The other day, thanks to the one and only Shennandoah Diaz—social media extraordinaire and steadfast contributor to All Things Writing—I tried out a phone app called Evernote. Talk about my life suddenly opening up to a whole new world…

Evernote is software you can access on iPhone, Android, or whatever phone floats your boat, and of course, it’s easy to use from your home computer. It allows one to enter a quick note via text on an idea you might be having or photograph something that catches your eye. Evernote saves your info so that it will be available for later use. The voice recorder is probably my favorite thing since I have enormously fat fingers that have trouble with basic texting. With that little application, I can simply speak whatever brainstorm of inspiration I’m having into my phone and play it back when I’m ready.

Imagine the possibilities as a writer on the go! No more waiting till you get home to jot down that idea or stumbling around in the dark for your notebook in the middle of the night when the muse comes. Evernote keeps it safe for you!

I’ve been using it to organize thoughts on my new manuscript, but there are lots of other things this handy app can do. Check it out and let me know how it works for you!

Happy Writing!

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