Monday, June 13, 2011

Writer Support

I know where I'd be without my supporters right now. Unpublished. I wrote for years and years, by myself, on my own. Writing has to be lonely, for the most part. Unless you're collaborating with someone else who is sitting beside you, you write alone. It's not for people who don't like to be alone.

That said, we need human contact, just like everyone else, sometimes. Hey, we have to get our material somewhere. If I didn't overhear conversations, I'd be missing a lot. I've gotten some of my best idea from eavesdropping. People say the darndest things in public. It only gets better with cell phones, except I can't hear the other person.

But, I digress. That's not my topic. My topic is the people who support me as a writer. My Tuesday night critique group, Austin Mystery Writers; my online Sisters in Crime chapter, Guppies; my physical chapter, Heart of Texas; and many other online groups, even random people who email or comment on facebook or forward my tweets and click my "like" buttons and Amazon tags.

You won't find a more supportive, friendly group of people than mystery writers. I suspect romance and horror writers could say the same. I've had a taste of horror writers with the few stories I've done and they're a terrific bunch, too. Maybe I should say genre writers. Including my blog mates here! And we write across genres in this bunch.

It spreads to librarians and readers, people writers also depend on. They can be counted on to support writers, too. I appreciate the writing community so much!

Photo of Notre Dame, Paris, flying buttresses by Jean Lemoine from Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France, used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Having writer support is crucial. In fact, sometimes it's the only thing that keeps you writing. I'm really grateful for my friends at All Things Writing!
