Monday, March 28, 2011

What Not to Do as an Author

The following has gone viral. (Warning, adult language is used in spots.) This is an object lesson in how not to respond to a negative review of your novel(s).

The Greek Seaman: by Jacqueline Howett



  1. I'm glad you posted this, Ernie. I read it with horrified fascination. That poor author! I wonder if she's maybe 10 or 12 years old! (or maybe 4?)

  2. Wow. Now that was truly amazing. What an idiot. Way to burn bridges.

  3. Aside from her abominable manners, did anyone get the impression this author is very young, maybe middle teens? If so, she's scuttled a career of many years. Or pulled off an internet publicity prank of amazing proportions.

  4. Yes, I think it sounds like she's early teens at the oldest. If she IS older than that, there are maturity issues. Correction: there ARE maturity issues. Poor thing. All she can do is change her name at this point.

  5. Unfortunately, I checked. She's an adult, looks to be in her thirties or so. Lives in Florida. Disturbing.

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